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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wed July 17 Dunsford -Join the Singin on the Bus Tour!

Wednesday Kawartha Lakes Rural Bus Fun!

Wednesday, July 17 Kawartha Lakes Rural Bus Route will have an unusual addition- singing! Ralph and Beverly Whyte of Cameron Community Church welcome you to join them on a singing tour on City of Kawartha Lakes rural transit route, followed by a potluck supper! 
 Ev.Richie Gillingham will be bringing his guitar, on the 2:30 circuit, as Ralph and Beverly invite you to join in the the fun travelling the circuit from Cameron Community Church to Lindsay, Dunsford, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, and back to Cameron Community Church for a potluck supper. Riders can join the musical tour at any rural transit stop on the route, and Cameron Community Church bus will return diners home following supper, or just join Ralph and Beverly for the ride around the circuit.
 'We are looking forward to helping raise awareness for the new rural transit route, while uplifting the spirits of people of Kawartha Lakes,' shared Ralph Whyte, 'We want to make this event affordabe for everyone, so please let us know if you need help with the bus fare.'
image Kawartha Lakes Rural Transit Map Published June 2013Tickets for the new rural transit are $5 each with children under 5 Free.
For more information on the 'Singin on the Bus Tour' call 705-879-4276 or see
For more information about the new rural transit route see
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