Rural Public Transit - Car Pool World Offers Millbrook Resident Possible Solution
Millbrook Resident Posts Carpool World Transportation Request
Omemee area residents are well acquainted with the challenges of getting from here to there. While rural life is enjoyable, sometimes transportation becomes a major stumbling block especially if your wheels are no longer available. How can people living in rural areas reduce their carbon footprint where no public transit is available?
People living in Dunsford can catch the Rural transit bus that loops through Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Cameron and Lindsay. However, rural transit was discontinued for Omemee.
Community Care rides are available on a first come first served basis with priority being medical appointments, but volunteer drivers are desperately needed for rural areas.
Carpool World may be the solution.
A Millbrook resident recently posted the following request for transportation on Carpool World:
Carpooling - Millbrook to Toronto
Passenger 1 Seat Required MondayTuesdayWednesday Thursday Friday
I work at Sunnybrook hospital and also work in law enforcement part time.
Employment status: Full time Medical
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Good listener, Shy at first, but warm up quickly
TV watching habits are: Documentaries, News junkie, Reality show addict, Sitcoms
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Computers / Internet, Cooking, Family, Listening to music
Sense of humor is usually: Clever / quick witted, Dry / sarcastic
Carpool World - International Carpool Offers Local Car Ride Listings!
Carpool World has Kawartha Lakes Carpooling |
Carpool World, an International Car pooling website, offers groups and individuals the opportunity to post events and rides needed and available. Carpool World also allows event organizers the opportunity to
post events to which people might like to carpool. The focus of Carpool World is to help reduce people's carbon footprint. Participants can track their potential savings in cash and reduction of green house gas footprint.
Carpool World Offers Sir Sandford Fleming Carpool Group
Businesses and organizations can also create car pool groups. For example Sir Sandford Fleming Frost Campus, Lindsay has a carpool group on Carpool World at
To ensure compatibility - especially essential on long rides, ride share encourages participants to complete individual profiles including everything from taste in music, to interests as well as the standard smoking and non-smoking options.
To see the current carpool listings for the area around Omemee see:
Note: This post contains links to help cover costs.
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