Hungry? Omemee Christian Outreach Hosts Thanksgiving Dinner Monday!
Omemee Christian Outreach Welcomes Thanksgiving!
Omemee Christian Outreach will host a Thanksgiving Dinner Monday October 13. All Welcome!
Omemee Christian Outreach welcomes all to join them at Coronation Hall 1 King Street West, for Thanksgiving Dinner, and an evening of praise and worship. What is Omemee Christian Outreach?
Omemee Christian Outreach - Overview
Omemee Christian Outreach started with two neighbours meeting for prayer- John Popowich and Paulo Martini. Soon more men joined the two in John Popowich's basement, while their wives met upstairs. After Harry Peeters joined, the group met in a cabin at the back of the Peeters' farm, and called themselves Omemee Men's Christian Fellowship.Meanwhile, John volunteered at the local food bank, where he felt a strong compassion for the poor of the village.
Omemee Christian Outreach - First Community Dinner
Finding out that there were people in the village who would be alone, or without a Christmas dinner, John approached Sherri Gattenby and her mother Edith who ran Ruby's Roost Cafe. The first community dinner was then hosted at Ruby's Roost. Omemee Men's Fellowship, then began meeting at Ruby's Roost once a week after the restaurant closed for the day.
Omemee Christian Outreach - Outreach at the Beach
John wanted to do more for the poor of the village , and at the same time, was troubled by the separation of Christian denominations in the village. Surely, if all the churches worked together, the plight of the poor could be alleviated.
During the summer, Omemee Christian Men's Fellowship hosted free BBQ's at the Beach with kids games, praise and worship. Christians from across Ontario, and around the world participated at the Outreach at the Beach. The response was overwhelming, and they needed a larger place to meet in the fall - a place where they could welcome families with children, and run a children's program.
Omemee Christian Outreach - Birthed
When Autumn came, John was inspired to invite the people attending Omemee food bank at the Anglican Church to return that night for dinner. Everyone was welcome to take part in the Monday night meetings. Donated signs and posters emblazoned with Omemee Christian Outreach were posted. Speakers and worship leaders from across Ontario and around the world were welcomed to share the Love of Christ with others. All attendees were encouraged to find a church to attend that would support them in their walk with Christ. Each week attendees prayed for each other, and related ways they showed the love of Christ to others during the week.
Here, John Popowich explains what Omemee Christian Outreach is all about.
Omemee Christian Outreach - Dreadful Blow
Just prior to Thanksgiving two years ago, John Popowich was felled with a heart attack while walking towards a person to share The Good News. Shock rippled through the attendees of Omemee Christian Outreach. What would becomes of the Monday Dinners? Would the Omemee Christian Outreach continue? Harry Peeters stepped into the leadership role, but the Outreach lost their meeting place. Then it was decided that by meeting at Coronation Hall, the Omemee Christian Outreach would be accessible, and it would show they were not favouring one denomination over another.
Omemee Christian Outreach - Receives Gift
Omemee Christian Outreach dinners welcome free will offerings to help cover the cost of the hall rental and food. Last week, during the anniversary celebration of the life of John Popowich, Vicki Popowich, widow of John, gave Omemee Christian Outreach a very generous gift of $1,000. Harry Peeters joked that John used to pray for him to do well in his golf tournament, so they could keep Omemee Christian Outreach going, and this would certainly help. Another project Omemee Christian Men's Fellowship continue to build is a pastor retreat.
Omemee Christian Outreach - 2014 Thanksgiving Dinner
Omemee Christian Outreach welcomes everyone to join them for a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Monday October 13th. Doors open for set up at 5:30pm for those who wish to participate in preparatory prayer. Grace will be at 6:30pm followed by praise and worship and a speaker.
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