Fishing Ontario? Snap Shots Win awards!
Ontario Angler Awards Enter Today!
Ontario angler awards offer awards through Ontario Tourism to visitors and residents submitting pictures of their catch. Read on to find out about how you can qualify for the Ontario Angler Awards.
On the award website, anglers can see images of the prize fish, data on its length, girth, weight and catch location and even what type of lure or bait was used.
About the Ontario Angler Awards:The Ontario Angler Awards is a friendly, province-wide competition that officially promoting and recognizing recreational angling efforts in Ontario by both resident and non-resident anglers. The program, delivered in partnership by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership along with a big catch of provincial lodges and outfitters, serves as a vehicle to promote sport fishing in Ontario and encourage the sustainable use of this resource.
For more information:See
or Drop into Omemee Countryside Pharmacy,and check out the details on the poster.
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