Barbeque! Baking! Plants! Yard Sale! Oh My!
May 21st Great Fun! Rain or Shine!
Omemee and District Lioness will once again hold their annual Yard Sale on Saturday May 21st - 8:00 am – 2:30 pm. at Omemee Enterprises (former Regal Stationery) at the far east end of the village.
Omemee Lions will be showing their motto as they cook up and serve tasty BBQ for a great deal.
Looking for baking? Delicious home made goodies will be available for purchase,but you'd better come early before it's all gone. Note: The Omemee Lioness are particularly well known for their pies.
Gardening this weekend? Make sure to stop by and pick up your plants!
Then of course, there are the treasures!
Omemee Lioness have been on location ,Tuesday and Friday mornings receiving donations for this great fundraiser, while Lioness Pauline, has been arranging pick up of larger items. This is a Don't miss event!
All profits are donated back into the community!
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