Important Ontario Health Survey!
Have You Completed this Ontario Health Survey?
Ontario Health Study needs your help! More than 40,000 of your fellow Ontarians have already signed up to participate in the Ontario Health Study ( Here’s why you should consider being a part of it, too:
· This groundbreaking health study is investigating common risk factors for a variety of diseases that have a big impact on Canadians, including cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
· The Study is open to all Ontario residents aged 18 and older, regardless of their health.
· It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the Ontario Health Study’s online questionnaire. (There are also optional follow-up questionnaires if you feel like taking part.)
· By going online and answering health-related questions, you will provide researchers with valuable information to help them develop better prevention and treatment strategies for a number of important diseases.
By taking part in the Ontario Health Study, you can have a lasting impact on the health of your community and future generations. To learn more about the Study or to sign up, visit the
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.
If you have already participated in the Ontario Health Study, thank you. And feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in the Study – your family, friends, colleagues!
Yours truly,
Professor Lyle Palmer, PhD FRSS FAIM
Executive Scientific Director, Ontario Health Study
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