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Bethany Hills Interiors,
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Two Millbrook home are decked out for the holidays as part of the 21st Annual Festival of Trees Holiday House Tour. Bonnie McQuarrie of Bethany Hills Interiors decorated the two beautiful homes on the Festival of Trees Holiday House Tour close to Millbrook. Watch for the Grandchildren's Suite in one of them, with a train running through it! Millbrook area homes highlighted on the Festival of Trees Holiday House Tour are located at Zion Line, east of County Road #10, and the other on Syer Line, west of Tapley. One of the event organisers claimed it was the best mix of homes in the 21 year history of the Tour! Many Millbrook area businesses are welcoming visitors with special displays,gifts and draws this weekend.
Millbrook is bustling with all of the people on the Festival of Trees Holiday House Tour plus a bus load visited Quilts 'n Critters yesterday. Everyone on the House Tour has been thrilled with what they have seen so far! Millbrook businesses are offering extended hours to welcome the many visitors. Bear Essentials in Millbrook,where you can pick up Tour Tickets ($20 Cash Only). will be open Sunday 11 - 5, and is offering FREE Kyoto Coffee Travel Mugs, while they last. Village Gallery Originals will also be open this Sunday November 6th from 11 to 4pm , where you can see a wide selection of new work in the Gallery: Glass Etchings by Paul Clark, Crystal Jewelery by Jordanna, Wood Turnings by Gary McCoy, Equine Art by Murray Pipher, and take advantage of their lay-away plan to add something beautiful to your home for Christmas! Visitors will definitely want to stop at Bethany Hills Interiors where they can enter a FREE draw for a 1 hour decorating consultation with Bonnie. What a great way to get inspired for the Holiday Season!
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