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Omemee news,events,and views from Greater Omemee Area, Ontario, Canada. Covering rural news between Peterborough and Lindsay. Submit your news!
'While we were extremely pleased by the exceptional turnouts at our clinic, we did have to stop people from lining up and ask that they attend another clinic,' apologized Linda McCarey, Assistant Director of theMcCarey explained nurses at the Bobcaygeon clinic were moving people through as quickly as possible, but when looking at the lines, they realized that there were more people in the line than the nurses would be able to immunize before the end of the clinic.
Communicable Disease Control for the HKPR District Health Unit.Linda added, 'We are truly sorry for this, and want to apologize to those residents who came out to the clinic and were turned away. We know how frustrating that is, and we hope that this will not discourage them from coming to another clinic to be immunized.'
'We will do our best to provide additional opportunities for vaccination and we sincerely hope that people will either come to another clinic or visit their family health care provider to be immunized,' McCarey says.For more information about future clinics, visit www.hkpr.on.ca or call the Health Unit’s office toll-free at 1-866-888-4577
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