DND Long Term Disability Disadvantage Veterans!
Department of National Defence delays are causing great hardship for injured veterans. March 8th The Royal Canadian Legion issued the following Press Release explaining the problems injured veterans arecexperieng.
Canadian Forces members who have been injured in the service of their country should all be treated equitably says Patricia Varga, the Dominion President of The Royal Canadian Legion.
Under regulatory changes introduced by Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC) as a result of the New Veterans Charter (NVC), the Earning Loss Benefit assures a $40,000 pre-tax yearly benefit to assist injured veterans with meeting basic human needs like food, shelter and clothing. However, the Department of National Defense Long Term Disability insurance SISIP (a service persons’ insurance program), provides only 75% of the pre-release salary for those veterans who are medically released.
While the intention was to ensure that both the Earning Loss Benefit and the SISIP Long Term Disability payments were equal; DND continues to delay their portion. The inexplicable delay has created not only a huge inequity between injured veterans, the delay is causing significant financial hardship and is seriously disadvantaging the most vulnerable veterans and their families.
The Royal Canadian Legion welcomed the necessary regulatory changes implemented with the NVC and while VAC has provided the enhanced Earning Loss Benefit payments since October 2011, despite pleas to the Minister of National Defence, DND has not stepped up to the plate.
“This is another example of the Government creating different classes of veterans,” says Varga. “The government has an obligation to recognize the sacrifice of all Canadian Forces members who have been injured in the service to Canada” she continues. “It is inconceivable that two government departments can treat the most vulnerable of our veterans in such a divergent manner,” she concludes.
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