Why Satan Fears Women! Hear Scriptural Truths!
International Speaker Pastor Hartley Smith Shares Scriptural Insights!
Omemee Christian Outreach welcomes Pastor Hartley Smith , Immanuel Baptist Church Fenelon Falls Monday May 6pm.
Former Bible League Area Director Shares Insights
International speaker Pastor Hartley, Smith, known locally as Pastor Hart, has pastored in Fenelon Falls for nearly 8 years. Pastor Hart formerly Area Director for the Bible League of Canada,travelled extensively internationally bringing God's word into difficult places.
'Having my life blessed with my wife Mareta, and three daughters has given me insights into Why Satan Fears Women' Pastor Hart shared with a chuckle, adding, 'And it is reflected in the Scriptures.'
Pastor Hart will be sharing scriptural insights from the Old and New Testament on 'Why Satan Fears Women' at the weekly Omemee Christian Family Outreach Dinner at Christ Anglican Church King Street East, Omemee.
Omemee Christian Outreach welcomes all to join in fellowship with them Monday nights sharing the love of Jesus. Social time 6pm Dinner 6:30 pm Children's Craft Time during music and speakers. A freewill offering will be collected to help cover Outreach efforts,as well as shoes for the children of the Philippines.
'We have been blessed with many people contributing of their time,and talents' shared John Popowich, Omemee Christian Outreach Organizer, 'All talents are equally important. We are thankful for the people who set up, cook, clean up, provide child care, play music, share testimonies,and speak.'
For more information about Immanuel Baptist Church Fenelon Falls, or to contact Pastor Hart call 705-887-6802.
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