Soldiers Stampeding Omemee!
SOF Ultimate Chase 2012 Takes Kawartha Rail Trail!
Omemee trail walkers watch out! Saturday, May 5, 2012, 9am, 69 fitness enthusiasts will start stampeding Kawartha Rail Trail trekking from Lindsay, through Omemee to Peterborough in the Soldiers of Fitness Ultimate Chase 2012.

What is SOF ULTIMATE Chase?
Soldiers of Fitness Ultimate Chase 2012, a grueling full-day, long distance chase, will see 23 teams of 3 working together to complete various mental and physical challenges along Kawartha Rail Trail through Omemee. Problem solving, and perseverance are top of the list on this day-long event. The SOF Ultimate Chase 2012 will take place along the Kawartha Rail Trail from the Lindsay George St. Park entrance, east for 37 kilometers through Omemee, and end in Peterborough at Nicholls Oval Park. Omemee Pigeon eFlyer hopes to catch some of the action as they pass throughout north end of the village of Omemee. Are you in the SOF Ultimate Chase 2012 ? Post your comment below and include a link to your pics or YouTube!
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