Peterborough Stabbing More Clues Sought!
Bethune Street Stabbing Update – Further Charges Laid
Peterborough Lakefield Police continue to seek more victims in the Bethune Street Stabbing reported earlier.
After an extensive investigation, three additional charges have been laid against the accused- Micah Drynan, 19, of Brock Street. Drynan is facing the following additional charges: Two counts of assault with a weapon and one count of assault. He remains in custody and will appear in court later today on the new charges.
Investigation into the Bethune Street stabbing is ongoing, and police are still looking for further witnesses and/or victims of the altercation. If you have any information please contact the Peterborough Lakefield Police at 705-876-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS
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