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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crime Stoppers Seeks Outdoor Grow Ops!

Peterborough Area Outdoor Grow Op Alert!

Peterborough Northumberland Crime Stoppers would like your assistance in solving the following
Crime Stoppers is asking for public to keep an eye on their property as well as the neighbour’s property.
Image Crime Stoppers logo

The Marihuana season for outdoor grows is in high Crime Stoppers need your help to reduce the harm caused to our community, by outdoor marihuana grow operations
Marihuana from grow operations and the profits they generate affect our community in negative ways. Marihuana is increasingly to blame for Impaired Driving, Robberies, Threats, Assaults, Weapons offences and Home Invasions. Subsequently, the profits fuel other criminal enterprises.
The key to spotting marihuana growers or grow operations is to recognize that something is out of place: be it at the garden centre, hardware store, or in rural areas.

Look-out for the unlikely gardener buying unusual amounts of supplies. Marihuana growers commonly carry peat moss, fertilizer and buckets to the grow operations. Be aware of unusual traffic or unfamiliar people that have no reason for being in an area.

Finally, recognize the distinctive marihuana plant in clearings or amongst legitimate farm crops. If you see the plants, do not go near them as marihuana growers have been known to set up booby traps to protect their grow.

Everyone is asked to keep an eye on their neighbourhood and report suspicious persons to police. If anyone observed anything that they wish to report to Crime Stoppers or you have any information about any Drugs or Grow Operations or any other serious crime, call Crime Stoppers.  As a caller you will never have to reveal your identity or testify in court.  If your information leads to an arrest you may be eligible for a CASH REWARD.CRIME STOPPERS NUMBER IS TOLL FREE, 1-800-222-TIPS, or 745-9000 
You can also submit an anonymous tip at:

500 Water St., Third Floor, Peterborough, ON K9J 7Y4      Telephone (705) 745-9000    Fax (705) 745-7732    email  ptonorcs@cogeco.caToll Free  1-800-222-TIPS (Peterborough & Northumberland County)

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