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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Local Elementary Schools One -Day Strike - Why?

One- Day School Strikes Reactions Varied-

Reactions to the one-day school strikes hitting Omemee rural area with a one-two punch: first Trillium Lakelands today, and Kawartha Pine Ridge tomorrow, range from angry to supportive. 
Many who support the action, voice concerns over the removal of workers' rights that have taken years to establish, wondering what is next to come from the government. Memories of previous heavy-handed government actions are being stirred: police actions during the G20 in Toronto, firing of scientists, and the firing of nuclear watchdog Linda Keen.  Just yesterday, yet another ominous blow rang out against rights in Ottawa with the passage of Bill 377, which singles out union finances for discriminatory treatment by the government.  

So what exactly is it elementary teachers are striking about? Here is an excerpt from the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario News Release:

ETFO teachers and occasional teachers will stage one-day strikes to send the government a message that Bill 115 is severely impeding local collective bargaining.
"There are two solutions to the chaos that the minister of education has created," said Sam Hammond, President of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario. "Along with repealing Bill 115, the minister needs to step aside and give school boards and ETFO locals the latitude to have concrete and respectful discussions with all options on the table, in order to reach collective agreements."

Teachers Seeking Local Fair Agreements 

"If the minister was serious about resolving issues with teachers, she would lift Bill 115's limiting parameters that are impeding local bargaining," said Steve Colliver, President of the Trillium Lakelands Teacher Local. "We're interested in reaching a fair local agreement, not playing political games."
"It is regrettable that we have been forced into strike action by a government that has no respect for the democratic rights of my members," added Tracy Blodgett, President of the Trillium Lakelands Occasional Teacher Local. Trillium Lakelands Locals to Stage One-Day Strike on Thursday December 13.aspx

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