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Friday, April 26, 2013

Contact Lens Solution Hazard Warning! - Health Canada -

Health Canada Reports Improper Contact Lens Solution May Cause Eye Injury! 

Health Canada is informing Canadians and Canadian health care professionals of the risk of eye injury associated with the improper use of contact lens cleaning and disinfecting solutions that contain 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Health Canada has requested all manufacturers of hydrogen peroxide contact lens solutions sold in Canada to update the labels on their product packaging in order to highlight the risk of improper use and provide the consumer with clearer, step-by-step instructions for use. The new packaging and labelling for hydrogen peroxide-based contact lens solutions should be on store shelves later this year. When using these products, consumers should follow the precautions mentioned below. Hydrogen Peroxide-based Contact Lens Solutions currently marketed in Canada include:
  • Clear Care® 
  • Aosept ® 
  • Oxysept® 
Hydrogen peroxide-based contact lens solutions are used for the cleaning, protein removal, disinfecting and storing of soft contact lenses. These are not multi-purpose or saline solutions and should not be used to rinse contact lenses before inserting into the eye. The hydrogen peroxide in these solutions needs to be neutralized in a specialized lens case provided with the product for a certain amount of time before the lenses can be inserted safely into the eye.

Injured Consumers Confused Contact Lens Solutions

Health Canada has received reports of eye injury from consumers who have confused the hydrogen peroxide-based contact lens solutions with other types of contact lens solutions. Improper use and not following step-by-step directions have also contributed to eye injury.

Contact Lens Solution SafetyTips

  •  Do not assume that all contact lens solutions are the same; read and follow labelling and packaging information carefully before buying and using the product. 
  • Store lens cleaning and disinfecting solutions that contain 3% hydrogen peroxide separately from solutions used to rinse or moisturize your lenses. 
  • Follow your eye care professional’s advice and read carefully the directions in the package insert for proper use and care of your lenses and lens care products, including lens cases.
  • Always use the specially designed lens case provided with hydrogen peroxide contact lens solutions. 
  • Do not use a flat lens case. 
  • Do not rinse your lenses with contact lens solutions that contain hydrogen peroxide before inserting them into the eye. 
  • Do not use a friend’s or other family member’s eye care products including lens cases, as they may be of a different kind.

Eye Problems After Contact Lens Solution Use?

Eyes stinging or burning after using contact lens solution? Follow instructions printed on the package insert or contact your eye care professional. Then, report health or safety concerns by: calling toll-free 1-866-234-2345 or visiting Health Canada’s Web page on Adverse Reaction Reporting for information on how to report online, by mail or by fax.
Source: Health Canada Alert: RA-28539
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