May 14 Omemee Crime Stoppers Presentation
Kawartha Lakes OPP - We Appreciate Your Work!
Tuesday,May 14 7:30 pm Omemee Fire Hall -Omemee and our rural area is served by the Ontario Provincial Police, anlong with officers, civilian employees, and volunteers. Tonite you can learn more about a very special group of volunteers: Crime Stoppers.
OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis stressed the importance of special co-operative policing model that exists in Ontario in this statement:
'Ontario remains safe and secure because of the cooperative model that is embraced by community partners, leaders, and its police services. Our members strive for excellence every week of the year and Police Week is a great time for us to collectively celebrate our success,' wrote Commissioner Lewis adding,'The OPP's use of social media effectively supports our commitment to public safety and security for the citizens of Ontario.'
Crime Stoppers! Find Out How You can Help Solve Crimes
Tuesday May 14 7:30pm a Crime Stoppers presentation will be held with the Omemee Community Policing group at Omemee Fire Hall, where Ontario Provincial Constable Kane will be available for questions. Want to help stop crime, and even get rewarded? This is a must see presentation!
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