RV Ettiquette Breach Brings Charges - Odd Spot
BC Vacationer Brazenly Helps Himself!
City of Kawartha Lakes Police Service was called to a Highway 36 residence Thursday evening at 6:30pm to investigate a suspicious vehicle.
The resident indicated
a motorhome RV had been parked at the end of her driveway for the past two hours and a male had just connected the RV to her outside residential hydro receptacle!
[Ed Note: Perhaps now we know the inspiration for this scene:]
After speaking with the male driver, an officer determined the RV to be uninsured, and improperly plated.
45 year old Darcy Allen KORY of British Columbia has been charged with driving while under suspension, using unauthorized licence plates and operating the RV without insurance. He will appear in court on June 18th. The RV was removed by police.
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