Janetville Christmas Vendor Opportunity!
Janetville Christmas Craft Sale and Bazaar Welcomes Vendors!
Janetville Christmas Craft Sale and Bazaar Sunday, November 24, 2013!
From 10:00am until 3:00pm Sunday November 24, Shoppers will be enjoy a wide variety of crafts and vendors at the Janetville Christmas Craft Sale and Bazaar. Hurry to reserve your spot!
This event will be free for shoppers to attend, there will be door prizes donated by vendors however, names/numbers from the door prizes WILL NOT be used for any sort of soliciting.
There will only be ONE representative from companies (such as, but not limited to: Avon, Thirty One Gifts, Pampered Chef, Party Lite Candles, etc.), Tables are $25 each, and can be shared and they will get priority for the larger tables. Your table is only reserved when full payment and completed contracts are received.
**Completed contracts and payments are due by Saturday, November 9th, 2013 (please note all available table spaces were filled before the deadline for previous sales). Please remember, when you sign your vendor contract (or if emailing it back, by typing your name and emailing it back) you are AGREEING to the conditions stated within the contract. Completed contracts along with payment are what will reserve your space Please email: kindredkraftingAT hotmail DOT ca to receive Vendor registration/contract. For more information see this Kindred Krafting Event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/416595345118668/417800551664814/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
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Suzanne Sholer B.A. B.Ed.
Omemee and Area News 4 U
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