Lindsay Perve Mistakes Shopping Channel for Sex Line?
Lindsay Man Cautioned For Obscene Telephone Calls!
A 34 year old Lindsay man was cautioned early this morning for making numerous obscene telephone calls to "The Shopping Channel" in Innisfill Ontario.
The City of Kawartha Lakes Police Service received a telephone call from The Shopping Channel located in Innisfill Ontario late Sunday evening alleging their studio had received numerous harassing telephone calls which were described as sexual in nature. The calls started around 10pm Sunday evening and were traced back to a Lindsay residence.
An officer attended the residence shortly after midnight, and was invited in after explaining the purpose for his attendance. The officer used the base of a cordless telephone to page the portable. The portable phone was located in the bedroom of a 34 year old man. A call history query on the handheld device revealed the numerous calls placed to the Shopping Channel.
The investigation concluded with the male being cautioned for the inappropriate calls.
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