Omemee Trinity Pastoral Charge welcomes all children ages 4 to 12 and teen helpers to a FREE fun filled week of afternoon nautical themed adventure Monday, August 1st to Friday the 5th at Trinity United Church, 6 King Street West Omemee, Read on for registration form information,and videos about the VIBE program.
What is VIBE?
VIBE,Venturing In Biblical Experiences, is a fun week-long half-day program run by volunteers, and led by a trained University student Director. The program will be offered at Trinity United Church from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The program includes theme-based stories, snacks, songs, crafts, drama and games This year’s theme is The ‘Harbour Times’ Adventures of Paul.
‘Reverend Bobby Fillier,being from down east, is brining in some very interesting props,’shred volunteer co-co-ordinator Marion Wellman,adding ‘We are really looking forward to offering this program to children again this year.’
Trinity United Church Offers Accessible Fun
Bethel and Trinity United churches have teamed up to offer the VIBE program free of charge to area children for several years now, at Trinity United Church in the village. The Vacation Bible Camp program is eagerly anticipated by local children, and those visiting the area. Trinity, also known as the ‘church by the clock’ is one of the very few churches in the area with a lift, making programs and fun enjoyable for a wider group of visitors.
Registration Forms
VIBE Registration Forms may be picked up at either Bethel Unite Church,or Trinity United Church, or downloaded. Please call to advise the leaders that your youngsters will be attending,,so leaders can be sure to have sufficient supplies on hand.
For more information Call 705-324-2404 or 705-799-5951.
Download the Trinity United Church V.I.B.E.Registration form.
VIBE Videos
VIBE 2011 Video Check out the video below for more information about this year’s VIBE program. Want to see a video of last year’s program, with Dan,and Ella, plus details of the VIBE program offered mornings August 1st to August 5th, see VIBE- Unique Programming Assists Rural Youth!
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