Former Omemee Residents Reading Omemee Pigeon eFlyer![Editorial]
Do You Remember These Former Omemee Friends?
Ever wonder who reads Omemeee Pigeon eFlyer?
While most Omemee Pigeon eFlyer readers are from the local area, we do get readers from around the world. Does this surprise you as much as it surprises me? Omemee Pigeon eFlyer readers discover our rural eNews in a variety of places:
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Omemee Rural News Reconnecting Former Residents
Where has life's stream taken you? |
Recently we asked our Facebook Fans to share where they were reading from, and we received some very surprising answers! In addition to residents in our rural area who read the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer,we had responses from people who had moved quite a distance- would you believe as far as Truro, Nova Scotia and Bridgeville, Delaware USA?
Where are you reading Omemee Pigeon eFlyer from? Are you a former rural resident? Where did you discover us? Share and connect with former Omemee area friends on this
Omemee Pigeon eFlyer Facebook post.
Do you have friends who used to live in our rural area? Give them a
free subscription to Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, and help them stay in the loop!
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