Does Your Home Need Renovating? Funding Help Available!
Kawartha Lakes Homes Needing Necessary Renos Get Help!
Own your home? You could get a forgiveable loan up to $10,000 to fix problems! What kinds of problems qualify?
Kawartha Lakes Haliburton Home Reno Grant Applications Open Nov 17 |
Here is the press release from City of Kawartha Lakes.
2014 Kawartha-Haliburton Renovates Funding
If you own your home and have been in need of repairs, energy efficient upgrades, or accessibility modifications, there may be help.
The City of Kawartha Lakes is participating in the Ontario Renovates Component of the Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario – 2014 Extension which was developed to help homeowners improve their living conditions by providing financial assistance to repair deficiencies or make accessibility modifications.
Home Renovation Funding- What Qualifies?
Kawartha-Haliburton Renovates provides a forgivable loan to a maximum of $10,000 for repairs such as roofs, plumbing, heating, foundations, wells, septic systems, etc. A grant to a maximum of $5,000 is also available for modifications to reduce physical barriers such as ramps, handrails, chair and bath lifts, countertop height adjustments, etc.
“We know there is a tremendous need for this type of funding in our area,” said Hope Lee, Manager of Housing. “Unfortunately there is very limited funding to use toward it.”
The 2014 funding is only $150,000 so each eligible application received before the deadline will be considered for funding on a priority basis that looks at both income and the type of work. Application forms for the 2014 funding will be available on November 17th, 2014 and must be received no later than December 1st, 2014 at 4:00 pm to be considered.
Home Renovation Grant Do You Qualify?
Applicants must own their own homes, have a gross household income at or below $72,100 and the market value of the home must be at or below $269,925. Applicants must have adequate home insurance, be current with property tax and mortgage payments and the home must be located in the City of Kawartha Lakes or the County of Haliburton.
Applications and further information can be obtained online at or from the City of Kawartha Lakes Housing Department. For more information please call 705-324-6401.
Will you be applying for this renovation forgiveable loan?
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