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Easter 2011,
Galloping Goodies Horse Treats,
past events

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Yes ! You can pick these up in Omemee as well!
Local horse fan “Clyde Lover” makes fabulous treats for four legged friends.
.For Easter “Clyde Lover” created these adorable Easter Bunnies and lovely Easter Baskets suitable for gift giving to your Horse or Horse loving friends.
The Easter Bunnies are $2 each, baskets are available at request starting at $15
Galloping Goodies has some extra Easter bunnies due to a non pick up of a very large Easter basket!
Get this beautifully wrapped basket of 40 bunnies for only $50 (That’s $40 off!)
They will split basket up to denominations of your choice.
Delivery Available Tomorrow
Note:Regular Mini-muffin Horse treats available year-round are priced at 12pk/$5, 60pk/$15, 120pk/$25
Contact clydelover (at) rogers.com or call 705-313-1119 to arrange pick up.