Manvers #Wind Turbine Appeal Launched!
Manvers Wind Concerns Update
Manvers Wind Concern sent the following email December 24, 2013:
Manvers Wind Concerns along with other parties, including the Cham Shan Buddhist Temple, filed the Sumac Ridge Notice of Appeal at 4 PM December 23, 2013.
Our local legal and regulatory team feverishly worked on this for the past 2 weeks and we are sure we speak for the entire community when we offer a heartfelt THANK YOU !
Without your tireless efforts, interrupting your Christmas preparations, not to mention career and family time, we would never have been able to have the benefit of such a comprehensive document.
Hours and hours of regulatory and environmental research went into the material that was then forwarded to our legal counsel in Toronto to organize into an appropriate Appeal document.
Eric Gillespies' office then filed the Appeal.
All of this is an effort by concerned citizens to protect us from the attack on rural life across this Province by our own government .
So....thank you. The battle continues.
We MUST stop this project, near Ballyduff Rd between Bethany and Pontypool, or we fear the rest will follow, and the area will then become ripe for infill eventually destroying the landscape forever.
Information from Councillor Stauble ( COKL ):
Following the filing of an application to Appeal, a Notice of a Preliminary Hearing date will be sent to every individual or organization who filed a comment with the Environmental Registry. Any individual or organization may then apply for status as a Party, Participant or Presenter at the Environmental Tribunal anytime up to 4 days before the Preliminary Hearing date.
Residents who live in the area and any individuals or organizations who have an interest can and should take advantage of the opportunity to express their concerns at the Environmental Tribunal.
You do not need a lawyer for this process.
Finally, we would like to thank all of you for your support this year. The letter writing, emailing, attendance at protests, meetings, Queen's Park , COKL City Hall, etc. And of course to all of you dare make a stand by erecting signage on your properties, and to those business leaders in our community who have risked making their feelings known , more thanks.
And thank you to our municipal and provincial political representatives both locally and beyond.
Our gift to you now ? We will do our level best to STOP the emails until the holidays are over:)
Wishing you all a safe and Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year !
Manvers Wind Concerns
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