OPP Crackdown! Hang Up Your Cell Phone Now!
Cops Booking Dangerous Distracted Drivers
OPP are cracking down on Omemee Area distracted drivers this week. Cops say 'enough is enough', and will be blitzing roads and highways, on the hunt, for motorists chatting and texting on cell phones. It's been illegal to talk or text on a hand held device while driving for over a year, but people are still chatting,or even worse,"texting" while driving. In a statement issued by the OPP,Chief Superintendent Bill Grodzinski stated:
"Over and above our enforcement efforts during Canada Road Safety Week, we are well-prepared for the anticipated increase in traffic and the start of the boating season, and off-road recreational activities this coming May long weekend," The Commander of the OPP's Highway Safety Division continued: "The OPP aircraft will be in use to assist officers on the ground who are watching for aggressive drivers and speeders,"
D.U.M.B. Car Simulator Video Shows Cell Phone Dangers
A recent study quoted on the Ministry of Transportation Website shows a
driver using a cell phone is four times more likely to be in a crash than a driver focused on the road. When drivers take their eyes off the road for more than two seconds, their crash risk doubles. In three seconds, you travel the distance of half a football field,when driving sixty at kilometres per hour. A momentary distraction can result in death or serious injury.
Cell Phone Use and Driving:Consequences
Getting a $155 fine, or licence suspension, could be the least of your worries, as shown in this video of the D.U.M.B. Car Simulator.
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The video, produced by the Insurance Bureau of Canada, shows what happens when a driver behind the wheel of a street driving video game attempts to use a hand held device.Initially, the driver is driving at the proper speed with eyes focused on the road and hands on the wheel.When the driver begins to use a hand-held electronic device, he becomes distracted, and collides with another vehicle.
The evidence speaks for itself: drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be in a collision than a driver who is focused on the road.
You can find out about the new improved
D.U.M.B. Car 2.0 simulator on the IBC website.
Free Downloads Emphasize OPP Safe Driving Message
The OPP is offering two free downloads, to spread their simple message: Eyes on the Road - Hands on the Wheel. The pdf downloads include: a tri-fold information card, and 8 1/2" by11" poster depicting the
cell phone presentation on their site
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