Omemee Christian Fellowship Presents International Speaker!
George Jenkins, Internationally Known Speaker Flows With Healing Gifts!
Omemee Christian Fellowship welcomes all guests age 12 and up to an evening of Multi-denominational, music, prayer and healing, from 7 to 9 pm at Coronation Hall, 1 King Street West, Omemee,Ontario. Ministers, and pastors of many churches will be attending.
Keynote Speaker George Jenkins First Ordained Ontario Inmate
Keynote Speaker George Jenkins,was the first person to be ordained as a minister,while in prison. George travels the world spreading the good news George Jenkins flows with Gifts of healing. George had three strokes and a heart attack,and obtained miraculous healing. Come hear his amazing story.
Musical Guests Friends of Jesus Trio
Special Musical Guests for the evening,Friends of Jesus Trio,will add their musical gifts to the evening With uplifting music, raising their voices in song.
Volunteers who are assisting with food set up are asked to meet at 5:30 at the Coronation Hall.
For further information about Omemee Christian Fellowship,Please call John at
705-799 -1332
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