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Monday, December 5, 2011

Girls Enjoy Wrestling Too!

Millbrook Mum Takes Daughter's Dream to Mat!

Girls enjoy all sports; one local mum has gone to the mat, to help make her daughter's wish a reality. When Marlene Harris' son joined the wresting team at Crestwood High School, his younger sister became interested in wrestling too.
Chloe hoped to join the Learn to Wrestle program through the Peterborough Wellness Centre,but unfortunately it was cancelled. Marlene's daughter was very disappointed,but decided to join the Kinsmen Minor Football League to play football and loved it, even though she was the only girl on the junior team.

'Wrestling helps kids playing many sports including Football,and Rugby.'explained Marlene adding  ‘Wrestling helps keep you in shape for other sports such as: Football, and Rugby.’

Millbrook Girl's Wrestling Dreams Close to Reality

Marlene contacted the Kawartha Olympic Wrestling Club., and asked if they would be offering the opportunity to kids again. However,without the interest from enough kids, they wouldn't offer it. Ms. Harris took action, making phone calls, posting it on Facebook, and passing it around the football club,with some excellent results.  
'I believe we have enough interest that they are going to put an ad in the Peterborough This Week, and offer it for 8 weeks starting January 12th' explained the Millbrook mum,adding ' We're looking forward to there being a tournament as well.'
For more information on how your son or daughter can get involved with this wrestling group, contact kawarthawrestling  AT gmail DOT com  or see

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