Cold Case- $25k Fishing Equipment Tips Sought!
Twenty-Six Fishing Rods Heisted!
Fishing rod shopping? Watch for these hot rods with flourescent green tips! Peterborough Northumberland Crime Stoppers are asking people to keep their eyes and ears peeled for any tips that may result in the recovery of the following fishing rods, and an Ontario
trailer license plate.
(PORT HOPE, ON) – Sometime between August 17, 2012 and August 21, 2012 an estimated $25,000 worth of fishing equipment was stolen from a fishing boat parked at a Dale Road address in the Municipality of Port Hope.
Included in the stolen property were 21 Tolora fishing rods with reels as well as 5 Quantum fishing rods with reels.
All 26 of those rods are approximately 8 to 12 feet long with a distinctive painted fluorescent green tip. Also stolen was Ontario trailer license plate #C9819T.
Everyone is asked to keep an eye on their neighbourhood and report suspicious persons to police. If anyone observed anything that they wish to report to Crime Stoppers or you have any information about this, thefts or any other serious crime, call Crime Stoppers. As a caller you will never have to reveal your identity or testify in court.
If your information leads to an arrest you may be eligible for a CASH REWARD.
You can also submit an anonymous tip at:
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