Rate My Hospital Reveals High Ross Memorial Death Rate?
Ross Memorial Versus Peterborough Regional Which Hospital Would You Choose?
Fifth Estate, CBC Investigative reporting team, recently unveiled a new online tool for patients to rate their hospital care. Omemee, midway between two neighbouring hositals - Ross Memorial, Lindsay, and Peterborough Regional Health Centre aka Civic Hospital, is in a unique position. Many area residents have their personal reasons for choosing one hospital over another. Will opinions change after reading feedback, and facts about the two hospitals? Will this be a useful tool?
Two Hospitals How Will You Rate Them?
Rate My Hospital, an online tool developed by Fifth Estate, is aimed at helping make hospital stays better.The tool includes a patient rating scale, and a CBC rating based on statistics from Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Rating your hospital is fairly simple, search for your hospital, then click a star rating for each item:
- Respect
- Communication
- Timeliness
- Ceanliness
- Would Recommend
The CBC rating, based on statistics from Canadian Institute for Health Information, examines Mortality after major Surgery, post surgical nursing care, medical nursing care, readmissions aft surgery, and readmissions after medical care. So how did our local hospitals compare?
Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, has 101 accute care beds,an emergency room, and parking costs $3. While Ross Memorial Hospital received a D rating for having more than average deaths after major surgery, CBC gave it an overall B rating, and people who have rated
Ross Memorial Hospital so far, have rated it a B as well.
Peterborough Regional Health Centre has 290 accute care beds, an emergency room, and parking costs are not available.. While PRHC received an A+ rating for nursing care following surgery, and their lowest score is a C for having more than average medical readmissions, CBC gave it an overall B rating, and people who have rated PRHC so far, have rated it a B as well.
Share Your Opinions about Rate My Hospital
How will you rate these hospitals? Do you think this will be a useful tool? Fifth Estate wants to hear from you. Try the online Rate My Hospital tool, then email Fith Estate -who knows, perhaps your comments will be aired Friday night on The Fith Estate.
To contact the Rate My Hospital team with tips or information related to the series, please email ratemyhospital@cbc.ca.
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