New Year's Resolutions - What Are Your 2012 Plans?
Anne Marie Batten's column 'Street News' is a widely read feature in Omemee Pigeon eFlyer. In today's article, Anne Marie gives us another glimpse into her life as a Street Nurse in Toronto, and offers some ideas on making 2012 a better year for everyone.
Street News - Making a Difference in 2012!
by Anne Marie Batten
As we begin a new year, and resolutions are being made we tend to look within ourselves for changes we wish to make. I would like to offer a suggestion that involves reaching out to others, and helping to make a significant change in their lives.
Several years ago, my grandmother was residing in a nursing home. I visited regularly and assisted with her meals. She had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. We would often sit in her room listening to the Charley Pride CD I had found for her. Remarkably, she could remember some of the words. Sadly, many of the other residents did not have regular visitors, and her room became a place where a few ladies would gather. Most nursing homes and hospitals have friendly visiting programs, this is a great way to get involved.
This past year, I became aware of a Friday morning Women's Drop-In at a church in downtown Toronto. Many of us who volunteer there have full-time jobs, but attend there before our regular work days. This is a drop in for vulnerable and street involved women of all ages. A hot breakfast is served, and it is a safe haven off the streets. We collect hygiene supplies, toiletries, and gently used clothing for distribution to those in need. This program would not be able to continue without the generous support of volunteers. Although our Fridays begin with a very early alarm clock, many of us will admit this is our favourite morning of the week.
Small Kindnesses Mean A Lot
While many of us may not have the time to make a significant commitment; a small gesture such as shovelling a neighbour's sidewalk, running an errand for a senior, or babysitting for a busy friend, can make a difference in someone's day.
So what is your New Years Resolution?
About Anne-Marie Batten:Anne Marie Batten,grew up in Downeyville-around here we know her as 'Joe O'Neil's daughter'. Have questions for Anne Marie? Read about Anne Marie's work, or Connect with Anne Marie Batten on Twitter @AnneMarieBatten, LinkedIn her blog Anne Marie Batten, or leave a comment below.We are pleased to feature Anne Marie's column Street News in Omemee Pigeon eFlyer.
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