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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

URGENT! College Hosts Bone Marrow OneMatch Registration! Help Kirk Survive!

Young Father Needs Your Help!

Fleming College, Sutherland Campus, will be holding a bone marrow drive and blood donor clinic - Monday, April 9, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m in their main foyer in honour of Kirk Gaskell. Individuals are welcome to donate blood or register with the bone marrow clinic, or participate in both.

Kirk Gaskell - Young Father and Husband Needs Your Help!

Kirk Gaskell, lives with his wife Angela, 5 year-old daughter Madelyn, and 3 year-old son Michael in Peterborough. August of last year, Kirk began experiencing severe persistent headaches, then in November, the headaches were accompanied by extreme thirst and urination. Soon Kirk was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia or AML. In January,Kirk was told, a stem cell transplant will be his only chance of survival.

'I have learned many things in the last few months' writes Kirk,'but the most difficult and liberating was realizing that this js one thing I cannot control. Health and time are precious gifts.'

Almost 1,000 Canadians Need Your Help

Kirk, and more than 950 Canadians needs stem cells from an unrelated donor to survive. Fewer than 25% of Canadians find a match within their family.
Will you help save a life?

For the bone marrow clinic, there is a special need for registrants who are ethnically diverse males between the ages of 17 and 35. They are seeking registrants who are in good general health, and are willing to donate to any patient in need.
For more information please see

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