Food Safety Concerns Increases Organic Food Box Interest!
Ontario food scares continue to grow. Are you asking where their food comes from? Do you wonder what has been done to your food before you get it to feed your family? Increasing numbers of Ontario families are asking the same questions.
There’s growing awareness of the toxins in sprays used on crops, increasing evidence of the harmful effects of GMOs, and now critics are alarmed about Ontario’s
'loosening of the rules around spreading sewage sludge -- potentially laced with pharmaceuticals like Viagra -- on Ontario farm fields'. People are concerned about potential health risks.
Increasingly, people are searching for ‘clean’ local food. One of the best ways is to get acquainted with local farmers and their growing practices, choose one whose methods you like, and partner with them in a Community Shared Agriculture program.
Community Shared Agriculture Program -What Is It?
Community Shared Agriculture programs are traditionally arranged by making an up-front investment for the full season in an amount determined by the farmer. This ‘Food Box’ program ensures your weekly share of fresh produce throughout the growing season. The partner-owners of Greenshire Eco Farms are “Thinking Outside the Box” in offering a
unique type of CSA that pleases the palate, the pocketbook and offers more choices. The ‘surprise’ a more traditional type of CSA program, is also available.
About Greenshire Eco Farm:Greenshire Eco Farms has provided two seasons of their ‘Field to Plate’ CSA food box program, founded their Healing Horse Centre, and this season are venturing into Agri-tainment as a fun and educational destination. Their amazing progress is due to the dedicated owner-partners, their sponsors, and loyal customer-partners. A diverse group, they work co-operatively toward creating their dream. A permaculture farm, and home of the Healing Horse Centre, Greenshire is located at 1563 Pigeon Lake Rd., halfway between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon. Check for details and upcoming workshops, or phone 705-879-4207.
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