Missing Selwyn Township Youth Dangerous! Call Police!
Have You Seen Kurtis Prindible?
Kurtis Prindible Now Dangerous Fugitive! Do Not Apprach! Call Police!
Police are investigating the disappearance of Kurtis Prindible, 18, from the Township of Selwyn formerly Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield.
Kurtis has not been seen or heard from since April 7, 2013 around 9 p.m.
He indicated he was going to stay at a friend’s house for the night. He has failed to attend school all week and family and friends have not been able to get in touch with him.
Police iare also continuing an
ongoing investigation to locate Lawrence Prindible Kurtis Prindible's father, who is wanted on warrants and who has been reported missing by family, Peterborough Lakefield Community.
Missing Selwyn Youth Description
Kurtis is 183cm, 88.5 kgs, has short brown hair (brush cut), blue eyes, may be wearing glasses and was last seen by family wearing St. Peter’s Secondary School clothing. See photo left..
Family and police are concerned about Kurtis’ whereabouts given the current circumstances surrounding his father’s disappearance. It was hoped that Kurtis would contact police or his family to confirm that he was okay.However ,police have now issued a warrant for his arrest and classed him and his father Lawrence as dangerous and not to be approached.
See more details at:
Alert! PublicDanger! Call Police!.
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