Premier Issues Municipal Election Statement!
Ontario Premier Issues Statement on Municipal Elections
October 27, 2014
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released the following statement on the municipal elections that took place today across the province:
"Today, people across Ontario came together to elect our municipal leaders and school board trustees.
All told, approximately 2,800 council members and 700 trustees were elected from the thousands of candidates who put their names on a ballot.
I would like to congratulate tonight's successful candidates. I wish you all the best as you begin the important work of representing your constituents. I look forward to the progress we will make for people as we work together over the next four years.
I also want to commend all those who put themselves forward for elected office and the volunteers who helped them. As a former candidate for school board trustee, I understand the hard work and dedication that goes into a run for municipal office. More importantly, I recognize that your hard work is motivated by a desire to make a positive difference in your community. By knocking on doors, and in all the ways you engaged with people over the course of the campaign, you brought the issues that matter to your neighbours into our public discourse. You helped shape the collective identity that we need in order to find fair and balanced solutions for everyone. No matter what the outcome on election night, your work has made a positive difference, and I hope you continue to play an active role in your community.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who affirmed the most fundamental tenet of our democracy - participation. Thank you to everyone who voted in today's municipal elections."
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