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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Seeking Aboriginal Aadisokaanan Re Historic Anishinaabe Women’s Economies Can You Help?

Historic Sugar Bush Economy Study Ph.D. Candidate Awarded Harshman Fellowship!

Trent University Ph.D. candidate Christine Sy
Trent University Ph.D. candidate Christine SyTrent University Ph.D. candidate Christine Sy has been awarded a $5,000 Harshman Fellowship for her research examining Anishinaabe women and the sugar bush economy in the Great Lakes region during the 18th and 19th centuries.
‘The Anishinaabe women’s economic process is unique,’ explained Ms. Sy. ‘Our relationship with the land is not based on capitalism – it is holistic – it includes spirit, family, and extended relations. Through colonization we have been alienated from our economies and the relationships that inform those economies. It is important to reclaim those.’

Practical Sugar Bush Experience Give Theoretical Insights

Ms. Sy gained invaluable experiential knowledge through sugar bush harvesting at nearby Curve Lake First Nation, with the support of the Indigenous Knowledge component of the Ph.D. program.  In the harvest, Ms. Sy worked with other students, families and community members and gained theoretical insights that will benefit her analysis of the colonial records on Anishinaabe women’s sugar bush harvest.
Currently preparing for her comprehensive exams, Ms. Sy is also finishing her second year coursework,  She plans to use the fellowship for archival research at the Newberry Library in Chicago starting in January, and also in building relationships with Elders and knowledge holders who may share oral histories, aadisokaanan (sacred stories) and/or songs about this economy.
Originally from Bawating (Sault Ste. Marie), Ms. Sy attributes her success at Trent University to having access to Elders and Indigenous knowledge holders in the Indigenous Studies department, particularly Odawa Anishinaabe Elder and Professor Emeritus Shirley Williams and Michi Saagiik Anishinaabe Elder Doug Williams. She is also grateful for the support of the Dean’s Ph.D. Scholarship and the Graduate Research Fellowship provided to her at the University.

Harshman Fellowships Award Leadership

The Harshman Fellowships Society is a national charitable organization that invests in the ideals of leadership and responsible citizenship. The purpose of the Society is to ‘provide financial support to deserving students who demonstrate academic potential, and have made significant contributions to community activities. The Society also recognizes the need to nurture the potential of Canada’s Indigenous people.
Interested in Indigenous Studies at nearby Trent University? See the Trent University Indigenous Studies Site

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