Scout Apple Day! Test Your AQ!
Time Honoured Traditional Fundraiser Brings Back Memories for Many!

Did you spot a Scout last night? Be on the lookout for Venturers,Scouts Cubs,and Beavers,with apple baskets throughout our rural community today starting at 9:30 am. Want to be sure to catch them in action? Scouting sections from Omemee will be around Omemee - at the LCBO, Macs, Mister Convenience, Foodland, Ultramar & Coffee Time at Fowlers Corners. How’s your Scout Apple Day AQ? Take this little quiz and test your AQ!
Scout Apple Day is a main Fundraiser for Scouts across Canada. A successful Scout Apple Day makes a huge difference in the programming volunteers can offer the youth of our community.Youth programming can make a big difference in the life path of so many people.What do you know about Scout Apple Day?
- Who organized the First Scout Apple Day in the World? You’ll be surprised which month it was held! Search for First Scout Apple Day Here.
- What did Scout Apple Day funds help Scouts learn in 1942? Read Windsor Star 1942-Apple Day October 10
- What happened Scout Apple Day 1954 to later cause the closure of Camp Crooked Creek?-Note there is a free 88 page book on this site! Read about Camp Crooked Creek
- Scout Apple Day funds help your local Scouting organization.What will First Omemee Scouting do with their fundraising this year? See Beavers, Cubs, Scouts accepting donations Apple Day
- What other tasty treat can you buy from Scout members until October 20th?
What are your Scout Apple Day memories? Were you a scout? Do you remember polishing apples? Decorating your basket? Hoping to get donations? Being thrilled with each donation? What will you do to make this Scout Apple Day a memorable experience?
About Omemee Scouting:Omemee Scouts,Cubs,and Beavers meet at Lady Eaton Public School Thursday evenings beginning at 6:30pm Beavers ends at 7:30 pm, with the other groups ending at 8pm. For more information,contact Elizabeth Peeters 705-799-7064
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