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Friday, October 14, 2011

Unusual Orange Corners Spider Sighting!

Huge Tan Spider Spotted! Have You Seen This?

Featured Writer: Sandra Poytress

Huge Spider Spotted

About three weeks ago, I was at my folk's house on Orange Corner's Road and I noticed this fair size, and I mean HUGE, spider on the door frame, between the screen door and the main door. I yelled over to Dad, and boyfriend, Mark, to come have a look see.
My father looked down and said: 'Hey look, it's carrying an egg sac!"
I said: 'No way, that's not an egg sac. It is its body!'

Spider:Body? Egg Sac? Which?

The Spider, for purposes of comparison on the size scale - with legs included it was approximately the size of a toonie. Two colours on legs. The alleged 'egg sac' was about the size of an average green grape, or a regular marble. The reason my dad thought it was an egg sac, was because of the colouring. The very pale beige body,had fairly clear, concise tan lines or markings running length-wise from front to back.
Being the tree-hugging nature lovers that we are, and not knowing what we were dealing with, Mark corralled it onto a small stick, and took it over to the woods. I am NOT a spider lover at all. However, I saw no need in smashing it to bits.

Online Search Reveals Unusual Venomnous Spider

Once home, my BFF 'Google' helped me find an image that so closely resembles what we saw, it could be a photograph of the spider. The image? The image was titled 'Brown Widow Spider'.
To be clear, I am NOT confirming what WE saw was a brown widow spider, all I am saying is that we saw a spider very very similar to the attached picture, in both appearance and size.
About Sandra Poytess
Sandra Poytress is a self-professed tree hugger, and mother of two absolutely wonderful crazy boys. Sandra, an army brat who has lived many places, is blessed with the close proximity of her parents and sister living in the Omemee area. When not rescuing spiders,or writing for Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, Sandra rescues businesses and individuals. Sandra, draws on her extensive skills, offering individuals, and businesses around the world  In A Pinch services. Sandra has worked with everyone from the president of a university, to police services, two lawyers who became judges, and social services. Watch for Sandra's next article 'Coon Hunter Turned Coon Saviour'.You can follow Sandra on Twitter at: @sandrapoytress
About Omemee Area Spiders:
Editors note: Spiders the size Sandra found, are rare in the Omemee area,which makes this a notable sighting. While all spiders are venomous,few in our area, are dangerous to people,and are quite helpful in pest control.

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