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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wearing the Green!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated around the world by people Irish,or not. On Saint Patrick's Day. People brush off the old Irish tunes,Irish tales, Irish movies, and celebrate Celtic heritage in general.

From live shamrock plants, to cakes, to candles, to green beer;you can find a wide variety of green products even in small places like Omemee, Millbrook,and Fowler's Corners - but what is Saint Patrick's Day really all about?

Who was Saint Patrick?

Patrick was born in Wales, captured by invaders, and sold into slavery in Ireland at age 16. He escaped six years later and returned to his family. later,after joining the church,Patrick returned to Ireland as an ordained bishop in the north and west of the island. There are many legends about Patrick including one in which he rids Ireland of snakes,and another being his explanation of Christianity using the Shamrock. By the seventh century Patrick was recognized as the patron saint of Ireland.
Saint Patrick's Day is observed on March 17, the date of Patrick's death.It is celebrated both inside and outside Ireland, as both a liturgical and non-liturgical holiday. In the dioceses of Ireland, it is both a solemn and a holy day of obligation; and, outside Ireland, it can be a celebration of Ireland itself.

You can find Shamrocks and more at Butternut Folk Art 18 King East, Omemee.

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