Coupon Corner : Frugal Dad Spotlight!
Coupon Corner Spotlight Examines Frugal Dad!
Frugal Dad, a respected American personal finance blog recently expanded its award-winning website with the addition of giveaways and a coupon data base including sections such as
Frugal Dad Walmart Coupons. How useful will this website be to you?
Frugal Dad Offers Practical Money-Saving Advice
Jason White, founder of, hates debt, doesn't like risk,tolerates credit card companies, and has a vehement dislike of 'financial “gurus” out there giving advice for the sole purpose of selling lousy investments.' his basic philosophy is:
Spend less than you make; save money for a rainy day; live debt free.
On the home page of Frugal Dad, you will find links to practical money-saving fairly universally applicable articles such as:
• Ways to Reduce Costs on Paper Products
• How to Save Money on Summer Vacations
• Unsubscribe: A Quick Way to Resist the Temptation to Spend
In addition, Jason has designed numerous entertaining and thought provoking infografics which highlight healthy living, shopping tips, and American statistics. Some of the infografics on Frugal Dad include:
• The Case for Beer: Why You Should Enjoy it and Enjoy it Right
• Beef 101: A Guide to What 25% of Americans Eat Everyday
• Emergency Room Dentists: The High Costs of Life or Death Dental Care
Frugal Dad Giveaways
November 2011, Frugal Dad ran giveaways for Amazon Kindle Fires and gift certificates. Currently, there are no giveaways running. However, there is a 2012 Undergrad Scholarship being sponsored by Frugal Dad for USA residents age 16 and up.
Frugal Dad Coupons
Traditionally frugal focused on practical money-saving and lifestyle advice for busy parents often including coupon or deal listings to help readers save money. Jason decided to add more comprehensive and useful coupon listings, after receiving considerable feedback from readers.
“The new features on the site will, I hope, better help families manage their finances and save money,” White explained in a recent press release.
Clicking on the Coupon Code tab, leads to an extensive link list of various name brand products and stores. Each link in the list, leads to an article about the brand or company. Some of these articles do contain links to online savings, which are graphically designed to resemble coupons. The 'coupons' I clicked turned out to be affiliate links to online stores. However, the affiliate links Frugal Dad provides through their 'coupon' links do provide excellent savings if you live in the USA . For example:
Frugal Dad Walmart Coupon
2 for $20 Game Deal is an excellent buy.
Frugal Dad Worth Worth Visiting
While it was disappointing to see only affiliate links to online stores shipping to the USA in the 'coupons' I perused. I would still recommend Frugal Dad as an extremely informative website. For those living in the USA, I also recommend the savings links posted on the 'Coupon Codes' tab. The Frugal Dad site is packed with great information, but it does have the potential to be even better. I would like to see the Frugal Dad site display links to actual coupons in addition to their deals affiliate links. In my opinion, posting a combination of affiliate and non-affiliate links could increase trust levels in visitors to the site.
Frugal Dad:Coupon Code Tips
Using the affiliate links on a site is like tipping a waitress for good service. Frugal Dad gives good service, and the affiliate links do lead to excellent bargains. However, making sure your tip goes to the right person when using affiliate links can be tricky. If you want to make sure your online spending is credited to a particular site, you will want to clear your cache prior to visiting the site, and enter the website address directly into your browser. Even then, the transaction may not be credited to that site's account if you already have a pre-existing account with a particular retailer. If you have a pre-existing account with a retailer, your purchase might be credited to the new website, depending on the length of time that has lapsed since you visited that online merchant, and the contract the website has with the retailer. Another caveat about shopping online through affiliate links is to make sure the URL in the address bar at the online retailer starts with https before entering any credit card or payment information. Many sites also carry certification badges from companies such as Verisign which can be indicators of trustworthiness.
Jason White founded in 2007 after spending years as a representative for various credit card and banking companies. He watched as his customers made poor financial decisions that buried them in debt, and he decided to start a personal finance blog to help average people make prudent financial choices. Since then, has helped thousands of readers from all over the world with practical advice on saving money and living frugal lifestyles. White now works in software development and lives in Denver, CO.
Note: While I was financially compensated for this post, the opinions expressed herein are entirely my own. Please see the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer Policies for further information.
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