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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Judy Coward OMAFRA Brings Goal Setting To Omemee Wednesday!

Omemee Business Committee of Council Welcomes You Wednesday!

Judy Coward from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, aka OMAFRA,will be the guest speaker Wednesday evening at The Omemee Business Committee of Council meeting. The agenda,shown below, for the Omemee Business Committee of Council meeting includes a goal setting exercise with Judy Coward. Some people, may remember Judy from the Downtown Revitalization work that has been completed in Omemee. Anyone interested in the betterment of the village of Omemee, will definitely want to be at this don't miss event.

Omemee Business Committee of Council Meetings are open to all who wish to attend. However,there are some misconceptions on the part of many, which need to be addressed, we asked Denise Williams, Business Retention and Expansion Officer, City of Kawartha Lakes to clarify some points, who kindly forwarded the Terms of Reference for the Committee. Here are some of the FAQ we have received, along with answers gleaned from the Terms of Reference for the Committee.

1. Who can attend Committee of Council Meetings?
'All Committees of Council are public meetings.
2. What is the purpose of the Committee of Council?
The committee provides a forum in which businesses and community members can work together to set goals to enhance the economic benefits and opportunities in Omemee, in the areas of community events, networking, business climate, workforce development, and to continue building a relationships with all levels of government, and other internal and external stakeholders.
3. When does the Omemee Business Committee of Council meet?
Meeting Schedule Proposed Dates:
Third Wednesday of each Month

All are welcome. Following are the Minutes of the last meeting of the Omemee Committee of Council, as written by secretary John Jones. You can pick up a copy of the Minutes and Agenda for the next meeting at Ace Hardware.

Omemee Committee of Council Meeting
June 26, 2012 7:00 PM
Coronation Hall, Omemee

Attendance: Denise Williams, EC DC; Pat and Laurie Wookey; Janice Salsbury, chair; Sam Pittman; Barry Marr; John Popowich; Dianna Staines; John Cuthbert; John Trennum; John Jones, secretary; Suzanne Sholer; David Wang; Edythe Gallenty; Alice McQuade; Randy Smith, chair; welcomed everyone; Katherine Vanderzwet, friend of Suzanne, stayed for a short time but did not sign in.
b. Amend Agenda motion by John J. add, call volunteer for Culture Days
     Agenda approved with addition after item 7.
c. Minutes passed after some clarifications on points of order to be dealt with by chair, Randy Smith
2. Announcements: Suzanne Sholer re family fishing Day
     Denise Williams: Business directory; Goal setting for next meeting
     Suzanne Sholer: Tourism Binder--local businesses—available in Library.
     Denise: clarified that this is a summer-student work-in-progress project.
     Barry Marr: Medical Centre; going to rally at Queen’s Park to protest Lab closing.
3. Communications: Assistants, Katherine Vanderzwet? Stu Salsbury?
4. Marketing Committee: Mike Castell, Suzanne Sholer.  
5. Denise to check finance—need of two financial people for future monetary aspects
6. Banners; refer to Marketing Committee to work with Lioness club
7. a Reviewed and updated work plan
   b  Suzanne Sholer to take care of Culture days; John J. to forward details.
8. Randy reviewed traffic study from 2011 and how it pertained to business.
9. Randy presented a mock-up sketch of the tree planter that he is proposing.
10. Randy reviewed correspondence he’d had with Councillor, Gerald McGregor

Agenda for Next Omemee Business Committee of Council Meeting

Agenda for the next Omemee Business Committee of Council Meeting is as Follows:
Omemee Businesses Committee of Council Meeting #5
July 18, 2012 7:00 PM
Coronation Hall, Omemee
1. Welcome and introductions
     a. Adoption of the Agenda.
     b. Adoption of the June 26, 2012 meeting minutes  
2. Announcements.
3. Communications Plan—Reach Out to Businesses.
4. Letter to service Clubs.
5. Goals and Objectives for Strategic Planning—Judy Coward, OMAFRA
6. Review of Workplan.
7. Judy Coward will lead a discussion on what we aim to achieve.
8. Adjourn—Next meeting August 14.                                                                                                                                                                                              

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