Sunday Smile: Why Did God Make Women Stupid ?
Via Omemee Christian Outreach - Guest Speaker -Pastor Hartley
Pastor Hartley of the Baptist Church at Fenlon Falls is celebrating 57 Years of Marriage this year. He is sharing the second part of his message at Omemee Christian Outreach on Monday night following the spaghetti dinner at 6:00 pm.
Here is a smile excerpted from Pastor 'Hart' at last Monday night's dinner:
My wife was doing something one day, and in frustration, I blurted out 'How is it God can make Women so pretty, yet they are so stupid!,
Well, ladies, she set me straight:
'God made women pretty, so men would marry them. AND he made us stupid so we would marry men! ' So now you know!
Please bring your family and be enlightened with a light-hearted illuminating message:
Doors open 6 pm Coronation Hall Omenee 1King Street East
Grace : 6:30pm
7pm Children's Craft Table
Music - Shelley -Guest from Port Perry
A testimonial word of encouragement from Vicky Popowich
Pastor Hartley - Holy Spirit
Free will offering
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