Omemee Couple - New Millionaires!
Omemee Couple Beat Lottery Odds Winning Millions!
An Omemee couple beat the odds in a recent draw in more than one way to become Omemee's latest millionaires. While Omemee is a very small community it is home to more than their share proportion of of people who have experienced sudden large upturns in their finances.
Is it the air? The water? Could Omemee's luck rub off on you?
New Omemee Million Dollar Lottery Winners Show Sensible Approach to Winnings
December 13. 2014 William and Sharon Reeds became Omemee's latest sudden millionaires. While many big winners of lotteries, often run through their winnings quickly, sometimes even ending up in abject poverty, the Reeds seem to be demonstrating a common sense attitude that will help them retain their winnings.
In an interview with Greg Davis of CHEX Newswatch, the couple shared their common sense approach to their winnings that may make them more successful than others in retaining their good fortune.
“We’re just going to put it in the bank,” said William.
According to an OLG press release, the couple picked up their prize on Christmas Eve.
“After we learned we had a winning ticket, I still thought there was a mistake,” stated William.
“I just couldn’t believe it. I held on to the kitchen table and we kept checking the ticket over and over again,” added Sharon.
“While driving home it still didn’t sink in because I kept thinking I forgot to buy another ticket for the next draw,” said William.
They found out about their win while they were shopping for the holidays.
“We tried not to let it get in the way. Now we get to sit back and relax. This just makes things easier for us,” the couple stated.
What would you do if you won one million dollars?
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