Meet Your Bethany Councillor Heather Stauble - February 7th Open House!
Bethany Public Library Hosts Open House for Municipal Councillors!
Kawartha Lakes residents, tax payers and visitors are welcome to meet their councillors at a series of Open Houses being hosted by Public Libraries throughout City of Kawartha Lakes. What questions and concerns will you share with your councillor?
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When is your opportunity to meet your councillor?
Glad you asked!
Bethany Public Library Municipal Councillor Open House
KAWARTHA LAKES – Members of the public are invited to attend a an open house at the Omemee branch of the Kawartha Lakes Public Library February 4th 2015..
The open house will be an opportunity for the public to meet and interact with individual Ward Councillors, Library Board Trustees and the new Chief Librarian, David Harvie.
“This is a great opportunity for the public to come in and visit our facilities and different library branches across the municipality, while getting to meet with and talk to their Ward Councillor, Library Board Trustee and myself,” explained Mr. Harvie. “We really want to hear feedback from the public on the library system and hear about our individual library branches.”
Councillor Heather Stauble will be at the meet and greet open house at the Bethany Branch of the Kawartha Lakes Public Library System on Saturday, February 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
What will you ask your councillor?
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