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Monday, June 15, 2015

Local NDP Candidate Raising Hydro Concerns!

Mike Perry Addresses Hydro One Concerns of Kawartha Lakes Constituents

Federal NDP Candidate Mike Perry is helping to ensure local residents are heard at Queen’s Park when it comes to hydro rates and stopping the sell-off of Ontario Hydro.
image   Kawartha Lakes NDP Candidate Mike Perry with Andrea Horwath NDP
Kawartha Lakes NDP Candidate Mike Perry with Andrea Horwath 

Mr. Perry recently travelled to Toronto, where he met with Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath to raise local concerns and support the NDP’s bill to require the public be consulted before the government can sell Hydro One.
“Though Hydro is a provincial jurisdiction, Members of Parliament need to be willing to help their constituents with any problems they have. I am hearing about hydro at every door I knock on,” says Perry. 
In response, listening to local residents, Mr. Perry has been helping seniors in Fenelon Falls with a letter-writing campaign against skyrocketing hydro rates and has helped the leadership of the Enough Is Enough movement, recently boarding a bus with residents from across the riding to protest rates at Queen’s Park in Toronto.
Mr. Perry says he also discussed hydro with Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MPP Laurie Scott. “This is about getting results for people, not partisanship,” Perry adds
“Hydro rates are out of control,“ notes Deb Mahoney of Bobcaygeon. “Mike has been very helpful in our work to get rates down.” 
Ms. Mahoney is involved with the Enough Is Enough Campaign and says she is exploring solar to get off the grid and has even considered moving due to hydro rates.
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Mr. Perry noted the federal government can play a role to reduce hydro rates.
The NDP has committed to spending less money to subsidize oil and more on green energy, including cheaper sources like water power.
“I was at the hydro rate protest in Lindsay last year,” says Perry, “and will keep helping people where I can as I hear peoples’ stories.” 
The federal election is scheduled for this fall.
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