Omemee Lions Foodland BBQ Supports Canadian Cancer Society!
First Annual Omemee Foodland BBQ
Supports Canadian Cancer Society!
Omemee Foodland Takes a Bite Out of Cancer!
Omemee Lions will be raising funds on behalf of Omemee Foodland for the Canadian Cancer barbecuing up a storm from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday July 15th, and 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, the16th. at Omemee Foodland, 31
King Street East Omemee. Omemeee Foodland is supplying the food, including their new Compliments Fruit Fizz drinks, and Omemee Lions will be supplying the Lion power.
For the past eight years, Sobeys,and their affiliate stores, have been helping communities raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society through various Communities for a cure events. Altogether Omemee Foodland has help its parent company raise over over $1.2 million to help the Canadian Cancer Society in its efforts to put an end to this dreaded disease.
'This is a very important cause for our store, as we lost a cherished long-time employee earlier this year to cancer.’said Chad Jolicoeur, manager of Omemee Foodland, adding,'This is one of the reasons we really wanted to get into raising funds for this important cause.’
About Omemee Foodland: Omemee Foodland at 31 King Street East, offers a full in store bakery, Custom Cut Meats.Delivery Services.Floral Department,Gift Baskets,Party Platters,and much more. Omemee Foodland is open seven days a week, for your convenience. See their site for store hours and the latest flyer:Omemee Foodland
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