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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Need Healing? Joan Hunter Conference This Weekend!
Omemee Christian Outreach Offers Carpooling to Healing Conference!
Omemee Christian Outreach is carpooling to the Joan Hunter Conference at Victory Christian Centre this weekend in Port Perry.
Joan Hunter a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, accomplished author, and anointed healing evangelist, has devoted her life to carry a message of hope, deliverance, and healing to the nation.
Joan ministers the Gospel with manifestations of supernatural signs and wonders in healing schools, miracle services, conferences, local churches, and revival centers around the world. She is sensitive to the move of the Spirit and speaks prophetically in the services and individual lives of those in attendance. Joan's genuine approach and candid delivery enables her to connect intimately with people from all educational, social,and cultural backgrounds.
Joan Hunter brings a powerful ministry to a world characterized by brokenness and pain. Having emerged victorious through tragic circumstances, impossible obstacles, and immeasurable devastation, Joan is able to share a message of hope and restoration to the broken-hearted, deliverance and freedom to the bound, and healing and wholeness to the diseased.
For those who remember, Joan is carrying on the remarkable healing ministry begun in the 60’s by her father and mother, Charles and Francis Hunter, the “Happy Hunters”.
See a sampling of her outstanding ministry at:
Times of conference:
October 28 at 7:00 PM
October 29 at 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 7:00 PM
October 30 at 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM
Please register by calling Victory Christian Centre office at 905-985-1346 or email vccpp@powergate.ca There is no registration fee but they will be taking Love Offerings.Victory Christian Centre is located at 593 Alma Street Port Perry
For car pooling with Omemee Christian Outreach, please call John at 705 –799 –1332 Omemee Christian Outreach meets 7 to 9 pm Monday evenings at Christ Church,Omemee.
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