Rural Students Eagerly Anticipate Electric Car Challenge!
Weldon Hosts Unique Electric Car Off Grid Challenge!
Three rural students were on hand when we popped into I.E.Weldon Tech Department yesterday: Sean, Steve and Travis are each involved in the extra-curricular
Weldon Wild Wheels who are getting ready for Saturday's big event-Weldon's 2nd Annual Electric Car Challenge.
Weldon Wild Wheels Electric Car club will be hosting a unique off-grid Electric Car Challenge on Saturday, complete with BBQ and demonstrations of an electric motorcycle, and this year's entry in the Skills Canada robotics competition.
While most students can't wait for the bell to ring, so they can do their own thing, members of e Weldon Wild Wheels look forward to getting into the classroom after the bell rings.
"Keeps me busy," shared Sean a Grade 11 student from Dunsford who joined Wild Wheels in Grade 10." I enjoy welding I'm hoping to drive in one of the races Saturday. I enjoy problem solving and looking for ways to make the cars run better and faster."
Aluminum welding opportunity is a big draw for many students in the Wild Wheels Club.
"They do a lot of aluminum welding and that's what I want to get into,"shared Travis a student from Omemee, adding,"I enjoy working on the electrical cars. in general ,it's a lot of fun,"
Steve from Janetville, also in Grade 11, will be running the pits on Saturday, making sure everything runs smoothly.
"The biggest challenge is the tires wear down really fast, so you need to keep your eye on them and make sure are changed before they become flat." shared Steve "I also need to make sure everything is tightened properly before they go back on the track"
Steve, like Travis, enjoys the TIG welding, and explained he first became interested in welding while helping in his dad's business - Mitech Machining.
'I'm very proud of Steve' , shared Mike Van Gennip, Steve's dad in a phone interview adding 'He is in a co- op at Armada during the day, then returns to school to help with welding on the electric cars. Steve also takes welding at SSFC through I.E.Weldon in Peterborough on Mondays"
MiTech recently relocated to Pickering, but Steve gets some extra welding practice in the family hobby shop at home.
Weldon Wild Wheels has two cars currently: Number 24 pictured below first built in 2002.

Number 24 has seen many upgrades over the years, especially in safety features. In 2010 community support once again helped Weldon build another Electric Car Number 42 - a transparent model shown below.2010 Weldon Builds Transparent Electric Car

Number 42 recently visited Dunsford Elementary school where the transparent vehicle was useful in helping students understand more about friction, and how electric vehicles work. Dunsford parents may have heard of this visit from excited students who are looking forward to attending Weldon next year, and becoming part of the Wild Wheels Crew.
For more informatio, and to see a video clip about the upcoming meet on Saturday, see
Kawartha Lakes Mums: I.E. Weldon Hosts Electric Vehicle Challenge
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