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Friday, August 29, 2014

More #Ontario #Farm Funding Announced! SARFIP

Farmland Improvements Benefitting Species at Risk

Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) recently announced that the Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP) is back for 2014 with renewed support from Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and forestry. What does this mean for you?
How can your farm benefit?

Farm Funding Available

Farm businesses are now able to access cost-share dollars for on-farm projects such as planting windbreaks, setting up rotational grazing, fencing livestock out of sensitive areas and establishing buffers along watercourses.
 “Ontario producers are proud to provide habitat for wildlife,” Allan Mol, President of the OSCIA, says. “Through SARFIP, producers are able to strengthen their businesses, with ample opportunity to complete grazing management and soil protection BMPs, while aiding Ontario’s at-risk species.” 

SARFIP Funding - How Much Money Is Available?

Omemee Millbrook Pontypool, Dunsford, Downeyville Bethany Farmers! Ontario Funding available Apply now!
Ontario Farm Improvement Funding Apply Now!
There are several ways to participate in SARFIP. The program is available province wide and offers opportunities for all farm businesses interested in adopting one or more of the eligible BMPs. Up to $20,000 is available for all farm businesses meeting the eligibility requirements. Farm applicants with a keen interest in species at risk and/or those who have SAR on their properties may be able to access 60%-80% cost-share, to a maximum of $10,000-$20,000 per project. Not focussed on Species at Risk? There are funds for you too!
Up to 50% cost-share is available for individuals interested in installing fencing and planting windbreaks without a focus on SAR.

SARFIP Funding Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in SARFIP, Ontario farm businesses must have a completed Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) that has been verified and have a Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN). Candidates can then select eligible BMP categories from the SARFIP list that relate to an action identified in their farm’s EFP Action Plan. Projects initiated on or after April 1, 2014 may be eligible.
 “Farm operators have a significant role to play on this issue, and through programs like SARFIP they continue to demonstrate their interest in habitat preservation and support for sensitive native species,” Mol says. 
 SARFIP is available now and is a first come, first served program. For more information, interested participants are encouraged to visit the programs page on the OSCIA website, See link in related links below. This was not easy to find on their website, so we have provided a link
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