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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Omemee EA Online for Public Review ! Your Opinions Wanted!

 Omemee Environmental Assesment Now Available Online!

City of Kawartha Lakes is seeking input from the public on the Omemee Water Environmental Assessment.
City of Kawartha Lakes issued the following press release. Unfortunately they did not include a link to the Omemee Water Environmental Assessment, but with a little digging we were able to find it to include in related links below. For those using mobile devices, a word of warning - the Omemee EA is a pdf full of barely decipherable images that have too much info for the size of the image. Hope your eyes are better than ours!
Click the screen shot below to enlarge the Class EA Flow Chart.
image screen shot Omemee EA Class Flow Chart
Omemee EA Class Flow Chart

Omemee EA Online for Public Review !

 KAWARTHA LAKES – Residents and business owners can now review the Omemee water Environmental Assessment presentation online at the City’s website.The presentation was formally presented during a meeting in Omemee on July 16.
“We want to ensure people have an opportunity to see the presentation and especially those that weren’t able to attend the meeting at Coronation Hall in Omemee,” said Bryan Robinson, Manager of Capital Projects and Acting Director of Public Works. 
The City is seeking public input on the Omemee Environmental Assessment.
“If members of the public have questions, comments or concerns regarding the Omemee water EA presentation we certainly encourage and welcome their feedback,” Mr. Robinson added.
What do you think about the Omemee Water Environmental Assessment?
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