Help Raise Dog Guide Funds! Join LIONS Walking Kawartha Trans Canada Trail
Wheelchair Accessible Purina® Walk for Dog Guides May 29th Start Collecting Pledges Now!
Four local clubs will join forces Sunday, May 29 with over 200 Lions clubs across Canada to raise funds that will help Canadians with disabilities live more independent lives. Our three area Lions clubs: Omemee and District, Fowler's Corners and District, and Dunsford and District, as well as Omemee Lioness; are working together to host a Purina® Walk for Dog Guides along part of the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail. Since 1983, Lions Foundation of Canada has provided Dog Guides to more than 1600 people of all ages with disabilities.
Funds Provide Dog Guides to Canadians with Disabilities
All funds funds raised through the Purina® Walk for Dog Guides go directly towards raising, training and providing Dog Guides at no cost to Canadians with disabilities. Dog Guides are provided to Canadians facing a wide variety of challenges for help with: hearing and sight issues, seizure response, autism, physical and mobility issues, and special skills needs. The Purina® Walk for Dog Guides is the largest fundraiser of its kind in Canada.
Kawartha Trans Canada Trail Wheelchair Accessible Walk
The fun 4.5 km wheelchair accessible walk is open to people of all ages and abilities all ages, with or without dogs, and runs rain or shine Sunday, May 29th. If you are not able to walk that day, donations are gratefully accepted online, by mail or phone.
Local Walk Donations
Please fill out the form at
Purina Walk for Dog Guides to make an online donation to our local walk. Gifts are also welcome by telephone at
1-800-768-3030 or by mail to LIONS Foundation of Canada’s Purina Walk for Dog Guides, PO Box 907, Oakville, ON L6J 5E8. Please make cheques payable to LIONS Foundation of Canada.
Online donations receive immediate confirmation, and an official tax receipt will e-mailed. Tax receipts for all donations over $20.00, received by telephone or mail, will be mailed.
Omemee Trans Canada Dog Guide Trail Route Walk
Walkers are asked to bring their pledge sheets and donations to the Omemee Curling Club at noon, Sunday,May 29th to be ready to start walking at 1 p.m. The walk will proceed west along Hwy. 7 (King Street) to Sibley Street, north to the Trans Canada Trail to the east end of Omemee, then back to the Curling club via King Street to the Wrap-up Barbeque.
Bottled water is provided for all walkers, with designated water stops for dogs en route. All dogs must be on a leash; poop and scoop rules apply.
Omemee Purina® Walk for Dog Guides Pledge Forms
Walkers can
register onine or pick up pledge forms at Omemee Post Office, Roger Williams Service Centre, Omemee Veterinary Hospital, Pinto's Grocery, Fowlers Corners Coffee Time, Tully Lark Coffee and Gift Shop, and Dunsford Convenience and Post Office. Get ready to join in the fun! Pick up your Form today!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Omemee Pigeon eFlyer Challenges all area groups and businesses to take part in supporting our local Purina® Walk for Dog Guides Omemee Pigeon eFlyer will give each group or business supporting this worthy cause a free dedicated post of up to 300 words which can contain a small picture, and link to their Google Places page. Contact Omemee Pigeon eFlyer by emailing or call the walk organizer-Don Ditchburn at 705-799-5117 to let everyone know how you would like to help this worthy cause. Some ways in which your group or business might participate include: donations of prize and grab bag items, food and beverages, signage or pre-event promotions and fund raisers.
You can find more information about the
Purina Walk for Dog Guides program by clicking here and visiting their site.
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